From what I've noticed, going to the few groups i have gone to, is that a lot of the veterans long for the sense of belonging and brotherhood they had when they were active. It's true as far as i understand, that when you are an active soldier in the military, you have a built in support system. Support of your mates going through the same things, at the same time, that help you cope and get through. Once you are out of the service its difficult to assimilate to civilian life.
at the groups it seems like the participants get that sense of brotherhood back, comparing stories, and sharing with one another the difficulties of transitioning into civilian life. But all of the people that show up leave feeling like a huge weight has been lifted.
If you need help at any time, for any type of emergency, (life threatening, drugs/alcohol abuse, family violence, housing crisis, medical disorders) call us, and talk to a veteran who understands where you've been and where you are now. Go to to get the info you need to help yourself or someone you love. REACH OUT. CHECK IN. SAVE A LIFE.